Professional Development Micro-grants

Deloris Guttman
African American Diversity Cultural Center of Hawaii
“The DPOE-N funding has enabled me to take several courses so far that are very informative in providing me with the digital curation knowledge I need for the Obama Hawaiian Africana Museum collection.”

Paul Fuller
Maine Maritime Museum
“DPOE-N has been an absolutely fantastic experience so far. Utilizing what I’ve learned in courses so far has better informed our digital archiving workflows here at Maine Maritime Museum. I still have a lot to learn, but I will be completing the Society of American Archivists Digital Archives Specialist certificate this year thanks to DPOE-N. I have every intention of bringing what I learn to practice with the museum’s collection. This type of work is so important, and is especially well timed for us as the museum recently digitized a collection of 8000+ photographs. Ensuring the long term accessibility and discoverability of these assets will be much easier with the foundational knowledge and skills I have obtained through the DPOE-N program.”

Deena Schwimmer
Yeshiva University
“DPOE-N funding could not have come at a better time for Yeshiva University Archives, since we had launched a born-digital collecting project in March 2020 documenting the pandemic’s impact on the Jewish community. Before that, our involvement with born-digital materials, while slowly growing, was only minimal, and our COVID project identified gaps in our skills and practices. The DPOE-N program’s broad array of training opportunities, and the assistance of its well-informed and helpful staff, have gone a long way toward jump-starting our knowledge base and providing us with resources to successfully manage digital collections going forward.”

Cynthia Engle
Washington Place Foundation
“Best known as home to Hawai’i’s beloved Queen Lili’uokalani, this National Historic Landmark, Washington Place, thrives on building in-person experiences by sharing its place-based stories. Then COVID happened and like most institutes, we had to drastically pivot to the virtual with little resources and skills. DPOE-N graciously funded my pursuit of the Digital Archives Specialist (DAS) Certification through the Society of American Archivists (SAA). These courses provided the tools needed to successfully pivot, become flexible in the moment, and plan for a sustainable future. DPOE-N support and funding has inspired Washington Place to engage with our community in order to create and preserve the mo’olelo or stories of our place in a digital space.”

Erin Louthen
Santa Clara University
“Professional development funding from the DPOE-N program has allowed me to increase my digital preservation knowledge in so many ways! The most significant is that I am now enrolled in and pursuing the certification process offered by the Society of American Archivists’ (SAA) Digital Archives Specialist (DAS) program. Completing the DAS program will provide me with a solid understanding of the key tenets of digital archives and preservation, as well as the ability to pass on that knowledge to my department members. I consider this funding a true gift to both myself and the institution I work for, Santa Clara University!”

Mark Jackovic
Manchester Craftsmen’s Guild Archives
“Mark Jackovic has his hand full preserving, presenting and promoting the 35 year history of the oldest subscription based jazz concert series in the United States. With help from the Digital Preservation Outreach and Education Network the MCG Jazz Archives received needed professional development focused on the preservation of born digital and digitized archival material. Over 35 years of audio, video, photographs, and other archival material are being digitized regularly at the MCG Jazz Archives amassing a significant digital repository. Jackovic, MCG Jazz Education and Archives Manager, will use the funds received to pursue the Society of American Archivists (SAA) Digital Archives Specialist (DAS) certification to ensure the appropriate practices for appraising, capturing, preserving, and providing access to electronic records are obtained and sustained.”

Hallel Yadin
YIVO Institute for Jewish Research
I’m using my DPOE-N training grant to complete SAA’S Digital Archives Specialist certificate. I’m focusing on creating workflows for accessioning and processing born-digital material in the YIVO Archives. One of the first things I’m tackling is born-digital manuscript collections, considering YIVO’s strength in literary collections. We’re very grateful to have this extra support as we broaden our collecting to include a variety of new formats.
Emergency Hardware Support

Elise Schierbeek
Kartemquin Films
“DPOE-N is a fantastic resource for institutions looking to support their staff working with digital collections. For a non-traditional archive such as Kartemquin Films’, opportunities like those offered by DPOE-N are especially significant. Hardware support has given us peace of mind as we organize and refresh backup of our digital masters and transfers representing our past 55 years of documentary filmmaking. As our assets continue to grow and evolve with each new film, we really value professional development in digital preservation.”

Justin D. Williams
South Side Home Movie Project
“South Side Home Movie Project acquired a new film scanner last year…but [in order to] preserve the large amount of data that was accruing from the scans, a new RAID external hard drive was needed. As a result of DPOE-N funding, SSHMP was able to continue helping to ”